
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Spicy Kimchi

Love it or hate it, kimchi is one of the most healthful, nutritious dishes you can prepare. This classic Korean staple can be used as a topping, condiment, side dish, relish, you name it. Kimchi brings a flavor-loaded addition to anything it’s paired with. The pungency of the fish sauce, ample garlic, and grated radish is beautifully matched by the spiciness of the chile paste and—in this version—hot habanero chile.

Of course, the star of kimchi is the brined, fermented cabbage. Many recipes call for letting the paste-rubbed vegetables stand at room temperature for a couple days. Others suggest enjoying it right away. I decided to meet in the middle—the dish is made one day ahead, refrigerated overnight, and allowed to stand at room temperature for a few hours the next day before slicing and eating.

Kimchi makes a flavorful topping for fried rice or grilled meats, a condiment for Korean “tacos” or American burgers and hot dogs, or a burst of flavor in your favorite soup. I used it as a relish to top black bean cakes.

Kimchi on Black Bean Cake
If you've tried the jarred kind and didn't like it, give kimchi another chance by making your own. It's a fresh, fun, and satisfying adventure in the kitchen.

Note: This dish is listed in the "Vegetable" category, but it is not strictly vegetarian because of the fish sauce.

Makes about 3 cups

  • 1/2 cup salt
  • 10 cups cold water

  • 1 medium head napa cabbage

  • 6 scallions, coarsely chopped
  • 5 large garlic cloves, finely chopped

  • 1 small daikon radish, peeled and finely grated

  • 1 habanero or 2 Thai chiles, finely chopped
  • 2-inch piece of ginger, peeled and finely chopped 

  • 1/3 cup sambal oelek (ground fresh chile paste)
  • 1/4 cup fish sauce

  • 1 teaspoon sugar
Napa Cabbage 
Kimchi Paste Ingredients
  1. Place the salt in a very large bowl and add the water. Stir well to dissolve.
  2. Cut the cabbage lengthwise into quarters and submerge in the salt bath. Set a plate on top to keep the cabbage under water. Set aside for 2 hours.
Quartered Cabbage
Cabbage in the Salt Bath
  1. Meanwhile, combine all remaining ingredients in a medium bowl. Cover the paste and set aside while the cabbage stands.
Kimchi Paste
  1. Remove the cabbage and rinse well under cold water. Drain in a colander, squeezing as much water from the leaves as possible. Place the cabbage in a glass dish and spoon the kimchi paste on top.
  2. Work the paste into the cabbage leaves, covering thoroughly inside and out. Wrap the dish tightly in plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.
Cabbage after 2 Hours 
Kimchi Ready to Marinate
Kimchi the Next Day

When ready to use, remove the cabbage quarters to a cutting board and cut crosswise into 1/2-inch-thick slices, discarding the core ends. Return to the dish and stir well with the remaining paste. It’s now ready to top other dishes, stir into soup, or enjoy as a simple side.

(Place any leftover kimchi in a sealable container and refrigerate up to 5 days.)

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